Frequently Asked Questions

  • We offer classes for kids ages 6 months and up.

  • Fall lessons are held indoors on a weekly basis. They start around Labor Day and end in early December.

    Spring lessons are held indoors on a weekly basis. They start early January and end in early May.

    Summer sessions are 2 weeks in length with classes typically running Monday - Thursday. The first session will begin in mid-May and subsequent sessions will continue throughout the summer.

    We offer classes throughout the day, usually around 8am-7:45pm.

    *See current season graphic for specific dates.

  • Please see current season graphic for specific prices.

    Discounts: There is a 7% discount available when you sign up for multiple sessions/classes.

    * If you need financial assistance, just email us. We want to help kids learn to swim, so if finances are a barrier, please send us an email at *

  • Spring and Fall classes are held indoors in the Waco area.

    Summer classes are held outdoors around the Waco area.

  • Level 1-3: student-to-teacher ratio is 3:1

    Level 4-5: student-to-teacher ratio is 4:1

    Parent & Me class: student-to-teacher ratio is 6:1

  • For Fall & Spring classes when we’re indoors, you are welcome to stay and watch your child during their lessons.

    For Summer classes, we have a drop-off policy in order to respect our host families and their neighbors. If there are extenuating circumstances, exceptions may be made.

  • Private/Semi-Private lessons are longer. Therefore, you may add a sibling or friend at no extra cost.

    1-on-1 lessons are designed for only 1 student. They are only 20 minutes long and can have a maximum of 1 student enrolled.

    To view the price difference, please see the current season graphic below.

  • See infographic below.