Level 4 - 5 Classes

Weekly lessons from Aug 19 - Dec 13

Cost: 5 payments of $64 each
Payment Dates: At Registration, Sept 16, Oct 7, Oct 28, Nov 18

Ages 6 - 12 years old

Kids must be already be able to:

  • Swim a “good” freestyle with side breathing a full lap (2 lengths) without stopping

  • Swim a “good” backstroke with straight arms, rotation along the axis line of the spine, and an underwater pull

  • Do a lap (2 lengths) of elementary backstroke independently

  • Swim breaststroke 1 length independently

*Classes with NO button on the left mean the class & the waitlist are full

TheCENTER (1115 Columbus Ave. Waco)

Best Western Plus of Woodway (6808 Woodway Dr, Woodway)

No Level 2.5 or above classes are offered at Best Western because the pool isn’t big enough for lap swimming.